Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Khloes 10 month pics!

So i got ambitious today and decided to take Khloe's 10 month pics. I forgot how difficult it is to get them to sit still. so there not the greatest but i got a couple good ones.

Such a cute little thing!!

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful mother's day. I got to sleep in while ry took care of the kids then we went on a pic nic and the kids wanted to go fishing so we took them to oster lake. It was a great day with the fam!

This and that

Ashton has been working really hard in tae kwon do and all that hard work paid off. He just got his high yellow belt!! we are so proud of him!!

Khloe is learning how to pull herself up on things. Shes growing up so fast!

This is her new favorite spot. she crawls up in this chair to watch tv. it is hilarious!

Our big girl!

Friday, May 1, 2009


So ive been making jewelry for a while now and usually i just make it for friends and family. Recently i decided to start selling some. I thought i would put a few pics up of some of the stuff i do. Right now i have it for sell at Ooh la la but would prefer to just sell it on my own. if anyone is interested in buying any let me know!