Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A little of what we've been up to

We've been pretty busy the last couple weeks. Ashton had a board breaking class he went to and they couldnt believe how much power he had. He is attending a tournament this weekend so ill let everyone know how he does. We also attended Ryan's cousins wedding last weekend. It was fun to get out of town for a couple days. We did a little shopping and took the kids to Pojo's. They had a lot of fun. We also took them to see Monsters VS. Aliens at the Imax theater in Boise. It was awsome! Ryan just had his 29th birthday the 25th of March and we just had my parents over and had dinner. Next year for his 30th im hopin to have a surprise party for him. Our next big project is the remodel of our bathroom and laundry room so ill have pics up soon. We almost have the bathroom done and i love it!! Thats just a little of what the Belveal family has been doing! Oh and Khloe learned to do the patty cake song. I think it is adorable! I have a video of her doing it so ill never forget how cute she was!

Khloe throwin a fit
Havin fun at Pojos

playin air hockey

Khloe havin fun at the hotel


Me and my hubby

Mommy and her pretty lady

Blowin out his candles

Cheese! Yes i know this shirt makes me look pregnant but im not!

Rys cake! This took all day to make

Ashtons Tae Kwon Do class

Breakin his board with a hammer fist!

1 comment:

  1. She is so adorable. I love Patty Cake! It's my favorite nursury rhyme. Beautiful Family!
