Monday, March 2, 2009


We're so proud of our little guy he broke his first board at Tae Kwon Do the other night. He was so excited when he broke it on his first try. Hes gonna be a black belt before we know it!

She loves brownies!
Nana Kathy and i took the kids swimming on friday. They had a ton of fun. Khloe is so cute in the water. She tries so hard to swim. She loves when you lay her on her belly in the water and she starts kicking her little legs as fast as they will go. Shes definatley my water baby! Noah is a little scared of the water so im trying to take them swimming more often and get him use to it before he starts swim lessons next year. Ashton cant wait for swim lessons this summer hes getting very brave in the water.


  1. You're such a good mom, I won't take mine swimming cuz that would mean that I would have to get into a swimsuit...scary! I know El would love it and Em asks all the time. Maybe dad will take them! We should do lessons together. Love the suit on khloe, does Linz have access to your blog?

  2. How cute! I love her swimmer! I can't wait to take Emrie swimming in the summer. She loved it when she was 6 months old... we'll see about now. I love your rug in the living room! Where did you get it? I've been trying to find one!
